Thursday, October 2, 2008


I just have to tell this story. I was sitting in the karate studio waiting for Abigail to finish her lesson and there were 2 sweet little boys waiting for their mom who was taking pictures for the instructor. I was mainly trying to keep them out of trouble but I started talking to one of them and he asked "Do you celebrate Halloween?" to which I replied "Yes, I celebrate Halloween" , he then asked "Do you have God in your heart?" and I replied "yes, I have God in my heart." He told me that God doesn't celebrate Halloween. I then told him that we celebrate Halloween at our house to help reach people who don't have God in their hearts and it was like a light bulb went off in him. (So, I apologize to that mom.) I then asked him if he had God in his heart. He said "yes" so I said to him "Well, that means you are accountable to God for your actions and that one of God's rules for us is to obey our mommies and daddies." I don't think anyone had explained it that way before and he was very well behaved the rest of the time I was there.

God knows exactly what you need and when you need it and sometimes it takes a sweet little boy to remind you of "God in your heart".


Lindsey @ A New Life said...

Post something!!!!

Lisa Smith said...

What a sweet story and what sweet sleeping babies in your header! I just popped over from Lindsey's and already, I think you're so cute!! Be blessed :)