Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Oh my goodness

I always feel like I should write something really profound on here and seriously folks, have you met me? Deep is not the word that I would go for. For an update things have been crazy at the Jones. Michael has been working all sorts of crazy hours. Finally those should be over (until Christmas anyway.) We have all passed around a stomach virus. And having in-laws living with you is sometimes not all it is cracked up to be. It is so nice though to get on the other side of things and realize how many times God has stepped in when you thought you could not go on for one more minute without screaming. I have some of the greatest friends who are so patient with me when I don't deserve it and give me great advice even when I don't want to hear it. You know who you are. Thank you!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


It really occurred to me today just how incredibly grateful I am to have the husband I have, the children I have. Michael and I have been together all of our adult lives. We met when we were both 17. He is a wonderful man and it doesn't occur to me that not every man on the planet is like him. My husband has never raised his voice to me. I know that sounds amazing but it is true. He doesn't get angry very often and when he does, it is a calm angry, if that makes any sense. He will talk it out. It is irritating sometimes because I am a little more volatile, okay a lot more. My children are also absolutely amazing. I just look at them and smile. Isabel can walk into any room with any kid and make a friend. Abigail is so tough that it is scary. Jon-Michael is all boy all the time and I love it. I didn't do anything to deserve them just like I didn't do anything to deserve Jesus' love and yet I still get it everyday. AMAZING!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jon-Michael's First Day of Preschool

This is a picture of our sweet boy on his first day of of pre-K, the official pre-k that is right before kindergarten. He went to pre-k last year also. I have to admit I was a little concerned. Our son has been much more of a challenge than either of the girls so when I leave him somewhere, I automatically expect to get a phone call to come pick him up because he is acting so badly. He had a great day and got a "terrific" on his behavior chart which was very surprising to me. I know you look at that sweet face and think "what could he possibly do?" One of his recent adventures was to pour the mop bucket of soapy water onto the kitchen floor, change into his swim suit and play "slip and slide". There have also been more pee and poop incidents with him than I care to admit. Seriously, what is the fascination little boys have with pee and poop? It makes me crazy! When this little boy gives me a hug though, he can do no wrong. It is the best feeling in the world!

Monday, September 1, 2008


Some days as a parent you are reminded that some things do sink in with them. Michael and I went to the gym together this morning and Jon-Michael wanted to go with us so we took him. The line to childcare was very long and after standing there for about 15 minutes I decided that we should just go home. My son looked up at me with his sweet little face, patted me on the stomach and said "Patience, mommy, you need to have patience." How could I possibly leave after that? I am constantly reminding the kids about the fruits of the spirit and something actually sunk in!! How exciting!!

Quote of the Day

"Dang, man, I didn't know a minivan could go that fast."--State Trooper on 121

Little did he know that he had pulled over the Batvan!!!